Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

Cosmetic and Medical Dermatology located in San Carlos, CA

If you experience unwelcome signs of aging, such as sun spots, fine lines, or lax skin, chemical peels can revitalize treated skin and improve its texture, structure, and overall appearance. At Fiore Dermatology in San Carlos, California, cosmetic and medical dermatology experts tailor chemical peels to match your goals. Call the office to schedule a consultation today.

What are chemical peels?

Chemical peels use advanced chemical solutions to exfoliate skin cell layers, allowing new cells to grow in their place. Treatments can diminish signs of aging on your hands, neck, chest, face, or other areas, and treat some types of acne or skin conditions that cause discoloration.

What are the benefits of chemical peels?

The benefits associated with chemical peels at Fiore Dermatology include:

  • Smoother skin
  • Brighter complexions
  • Fewer lines and wrinkles
  • Even-toned skin
  • Tighter, younger-looking skin
  • Less acne
  • Reduced age spots
  • Diminished melasma (patches of discolored skin)
  • Fewer freckles
  • Softer skin

Many types of chemical peels don’t require any downtime, though deeper peels do. The peels at Fiore Dermatology significantly improve the appearance and health of your skin.

What are the different types of chemical peels?

The main chemical peels available at Fiore Dermatology include:

  • Glycolic
  • Jan Marini peels
  • VI peels
  • Glytone peels
  • TCA

Superficial peels

Light chemical peels remove outermost skin cells layers without any downtime.

Medium peels

Medium peels remove outer and some middle skin cell layers to achieve more significant reductions in unwelcome signs of aging.

Deep peels

Deep chemical peels remove deeper skin cell layers to remove precancerous growths and reduce large wrinkles.

What should I expect during chemical peels?

What you can expect during chemical peels at Fiore Dermatology depends on the type of peel you receive. You might need to follow a pre-peel skin care regimen for several weeks before your scheduled treatment.

A topical anesthetic is offered to numb the treatment area, a sedative if needed, or general anesthesia to put you asleep during a deep chemical peel.

Your specialist cleans and numbs the skin, applies a chemical solution to it, and neutralizes or removes the chemicals afterward. You might receive a cool compress, cream, or lotion to soothe the treatment area. After a deep peel, you might need surgical dressings.

What happens after getting a chemical peel?

Follow your provider’s instructions after you undergo a chemical peel. The deeper the peel, the longer your recovery takes.

You may need to apply medicines or topical creams to treat the skin while it heals or soak treated skin regularly during the healing process. You can expect redness, scaling, and scabbing as skin cells regenerate. You might need to take medicines to reduce the risk of infection. 

To learn more about chemical peels at Fiore Dermatology and find out which are best for you, call the office today!